Witham Dramatic Club
Play Listing
60 Years of productions
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Our Last Production


Home I'm Darling

This was always going to be a difficult play to stage, not least because the script calls for 3 rooms (kitchen, living room and hall - with stairs). In fact it also calls for a first floor bedroom but that was always going to be beyond us due to the lack of height above the stage. But that wasn't essential and almost nothing was lost by transposing some of the action to other rooms.

What we'd not really reckoned with was just how difficult the props were going to be (not to mention all the period furniture), with multiple meals, drinks, shopping et al. Then there was the matter of wardobe and a leading lady who doesn't leave the stage but has a costume change virtually every scene! So it is just as well that stage manager Jacqui Brown assembled such a strong crew, headed up by Kris Knox-Crichton's wonderful props and Debbie Dyall's amazing costumes

Home I'm DarlingHome I'm Darling

On stage top praise must go to Lucy Parret who took on the mammouth part of Judy and was just about flawless all week. Ably supporting her was one of the strongest casts we've seen for a long times. Playing Lucy's husband, Johnny, Daniel James put in a brilliant performance and demonstrated that this self-confessed comedy actor can turn his hand to drama just as readily. This was a play that, although a comedy, required a lot of emotion from the cast and some of Lucy and Daniel's scenes had it in spades.

Home I'm DarlingHome I'm Darling

As friends Marcus and Fran, Tony Szalai and Carolyn Hurley made a believeable couple who obviously had their own issues to deal with. Two beautifully rounded performances to complement Lucy and Dan's.

Home I'm DarlingHome I'm Darling

Completing a very strong cast there were Judy's mother, the total antithisis of her daughter, brought to three-dimensional life by Amanda Bedwell, and the object of Johnny's lust, although she wasn't aware of this and who just happened to be his boss, Alex, efficiently and convincingly played by Candy Lillywhite-Taylor making just her second appearance for the Club.

Home I'm Darling

There was a concensus that this was an extremely happy production and that probably came across as the comments from the large audiences were all very positive. This was not a well-known play nor was the writer especialy famous, yet it seemed to capture the attention of our audience which in turn lifted the performances.

Our Next Production


Home I'm Darling

Our next production will be The Girl On The Train based on the novel by Paula Hawkins who, along with Rachel Wagstaff and Duncan Abel also adapted it for the stage. We will be holdng two auditions, on Tuesday 28th May and Tuesday 18th June. Both auditions will be held at the Public Hall starting at 8.00pm. There's no need to prepare anything, but if you want more informaiton or to express an interest in auditioning, please drop us an email as below, or call on 01621 892404.

The production is due on stage in November with rehearsals starting in early September. If you fancy getting involved either on stage or as part of the backstage team, just drop us an email to info@withamdramatic.co.uk.

Looking Ahead


We have plans underway for our November production (see above) but before that we are running some special evenings during May and June. These will include playreadings and workshops. Everyone is welcome and if you would like to know more you can email us at info@withamdramatic.co.uk.

[ designed by Black Tor Consulting ]